Tuesday 15 January 2008


Apparecchia la tavola!

Let's revive our Italiano
Apparecchia la tavola! (literally, set the table): (ah-ppah-re-kee-ah la ta-vo-lah)to prepare the table that will receive yours friends.

Gira il sugo (literally, turn the sauce): (gee-rah il soo-goh) say this when making a sauce which needs to be stirred with a spoon.
Buon appetito (have a good meal): (boo-on app-èt-it-oh) before a dinner with friends say this to the whole company and expect the same answer in return. it is a blessing for the meal to come.
Complimenti alla cuoca (compliments to the cook): (com-plee-men-tee alla coo-oka)after enjoying an excellent meal, say this to compliment your hostess and (female) to demonstrate your appreciation of her efforts. The male version is "com-plee-men-tee al coo-oko".
La specialita' della casa (the restaurant specialty): (le speh-cee-ah-lee-tah della ka-sah) use this expression to ask for the dishes characteristic of the restaurant.
Pizzeria: (pee-zzeh-ree-ah) very common restaurant where you eat the most famous Italian dish, pizza. We especially recommend pizza margherita, pizza quattro stagioni and pizza capricciosa.
Ristorante Italiano (Italian restaurant): (ree-stoh-ran-teh ee-ta-leea-noh) has an elegant atmosphere where one can enjoy typical soups, pastas, gnocchi, risotti and interesting meat and fish dishes, and where every dish is accompanied by the appropriate wine.
Antipasto (the appetizer): (an-tee-pah-stoh)it's an excellent idea to begin the dinner in the best way.
Primo piatto (the first course): (pree-moh peea-ttoh), generally it consists of pasta, soup or rice.
Secondo piatto (the second course): (she-kon-doh peea-ttoh), generally it consists of meat or fish.
Contorno (side dish): (kon-tor-noh)i is the food usually served with second course, and is usually vegetables.
Cena a lume di candela (light candle dinner): (Ce-nah a loo-meh dee can-deh-la) a romantic tête-à-tête with a special person…
Ho una fame da lupi (literally I'm hungry like a wolf): (oh oo-nah fah-meh dah loo-pih)) if you feel especially hungry, say this as a little joke about how hungry you are.
E' una buona forchetta (literally he is a good fork): (éh oo-na boo-oh-na fork-eh-ttah)an expression used to describe a gourmet, someone who enjoys eating well and appreciates high quality dishes.
Sono pieno come un uovo (literally I'm full like an egg): (soh-no pee-eh-no ko-meh un oo-oh-voh) say this when you've just finished eating and you want no more food, as an excuse for not eating anymore. It actually means that you are full, literally, "as full as an egg".
Ho l'acquolina in bocca (my mouth is watering): (hoh lah-ck-ooh-oh-lih-nah in boh-kah) say this when you see a particularly inviting dish.
Pasta al dente: (pas-tah al den-teh)when pasta is well cooked and seems almost hard and dense. This is the best way to eat pasta.

2 cups pasta
3 cups water
1 cup milk
3 medium onions, chopped
3 chillies, chopped
450g tomato puree
salt to taste
oil for cooking
cheese for garnishing

Boil the water and milk. Add the pasta and bring to a boil. Continue to boil till the pasta is well cooked.
Meanwhile, pour some oil in a pan. Allow it to heat.
Add the onions and fry.
Add the broccoli, cauliflower and peas. Fry for a few minutes.
Add the tomato puree and stir. Add a pinch of salt.
Add the chopped chillies.
Add the pasta to this sauce and stir well. Allow it to boil.
Add salt to taste.
Buon appetito!

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